meiosis-setup Documentation

Stream Implementation ⬆ Contents


meiosis-setup provides a small set of utility functions that you may find useful in your projects.


const get = (object: Record<string, any> | null | undefined, path: string[]): any

Gets a nested property using path from an object in a safe manner. If the object is null or undefined, or if any property along the path is null or undefined, the function returns undefined.

get({ duck: { color: 'yellow' } }, ['duck', 'color']) // returns 'yellow'
get({ duck: { color: 'yellow' } }, ['bird', 'color']) // returns undefined
get(null, ['bird', 'color']) // returns undefined


const updateFormValue = (
  cell: MeiosisCell<any>,
  path: string[] | string,
  fn: (value: string) => any = (value) => value

Convenience function to update a form value. Pass the Meiosis cell and the state property (such as 'firstName') or path (such as ['person', 'firstName']) into which to update the value. Returns a function that you can pass to a DOM handler, such as oninput (Mithril) or onInput (Preact, React). For example:

// Using Mithil
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormValue(cell, 'firstName') })
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormValue(cell, ['person', 'firstName']) })

// Using Preact/React
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormValue(cell, 'firstName')}/>
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormValue(cell, ['person', 'firstName'])}/>

Optionally, you can pass a function to change the value before it is updated in the state. For example:

updateFormValue(cell, 'firstName', value => value.toUpperCase())

In the example above, if the user types Fred then the state will contain { firstName: 'FRED' }.


Similar to updateFormValue, but parses the input using parseInt and only updates the state if the result is valid.

// Using Mithil
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormIntValue(cell, 'quantity') })
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormIntValue(cell, ['item', 'quantity']) })

// Using Preact/React
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormIntValue(cell, 'quantity')}/>
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormIntValue(cell, ['item', 'quantity'])}/>


Similar to updateFormValue, but parses the input using parseFloat and only updates the state if the result is valid.

// Using Mithil
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormFloatValue(cell, 'salary') })
m('input[type=text]', { oninput: updateFormFloatValue(cell, ['person', 'salary']) })

// Using Preact/React
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormFloatValue(cell, 'salary')}/>
<input type="text" onInput={updateFormFloatValue(cell, ['person', 'salary'])}/>
Stream Implementation ⬆ Contents

Meiosis is developed by foxdonut (Twitter / GitHub) and is released under the MIT license.