meiosis-setup Documentation

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To set up Meiosis with Services (explained in the Meiosis Documentation: reference), use the services property of app.

Each service is an object with a run function and, optionally, an onchange function. meiosis-setup automatically wires up services, calling onchange (if defined) and calling run only when the value returned by onchange changes.

We can use the Service type for services. This will auto-suggest and validate the properties of a service (onchange, run) and automatically type the function parameters.

import { meiosisSetup } from 'meiosis-setup';
import { MeiosisComponent, Service } from 'meiosis-setup/types';

interface State {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  status: string;
  data: string;

const service: Service<State> = {
  onchange: (state) => state.age,
  // run is called only when age changes, thus avoiding infinite loops
  run: (cell) => {
    cell.update({ status: cell.state.age >= 21 ? 'adult' : 'minor' });

const app: MeiosisComponent<State> = {
  services: [service]

const cells = meiosisSetup<State>({ app });

If a service does not have an onchange function, its run function will be called for every state change. Thus we must make sure to avoid an infinite loop:

const service: Service<State> = {
  run: (cell) => {
    if ( === undefined) {
      loadData().then(data => {
        cell.update({ data });

Below, you can see TypeScript support for services in action:

Services can also be nested using nested components, which we will look at next.

View Library ⬆ Contents Nested Components

Meiosis is developed by foxdonut (Twitter / GitHub) and is released under the MIT license.