Meiosis Documentation

Meiosis with Mergerino ⬆ Contents Views


In the previous sections, we set up the Meiosis pattern with function patches, and with Mergerino. In both cases, we created:

We now have a way to manage application state. The next part of the pattern will be to wire up the application state to a view library. We will be looking at that in the next section. Before doing that, however, let's discuss a small but useful detail.

As it is now, we would need to pass states -- or rather, states(), that is, the current state -- and update to our views. Views would have to pass them along to other views.

To make things simpler, let's pass a single parameter to our views. I call this a cell.

I chose the name cell because in science, Meiosis has to do with cells.

Passing a single cell parameter to our views makes it simpler later on to refactor if we want to pass additional properties besides the current state and the update stream. We can add the properties to the cell, and we won't have to change the parameters in all of our views.

We can also pass cell to actions, making it easy for actions to access the current state and issue updates.

Creating a stream of cells from the stream of states is simple. We can use map:

const update =;
const states = scan(...);
const getState = () => states();
const createCell = (state) => ({ state, getState, update });
const cells =;

We now have a stream of cells. To get the current cell, we can call cells() and pass that as a cell to views. Views can then access the state with cell.state and issue updates by calling cell.update(...). Finally, we can also pass cell to actions which in turn can use cell.state and cell.update(...).

We also have cell.getState(). Normally, using cell.state works well to get the current state. However, if we pass cell to a function which needs to get the state asynchronously, and the state may have changed in the meantime, we should use cell.getState() to make sure we get the updated state. Also note that we don't use states directly as cell.getState, so that we don't accidentally call cell.getState(value) and end up sending value onto the states stream. By using const getState = () => states(), any value passed to getState is ignored.

In the following section, we will look at how to wire up the Meiosis pattern to three view libraries.

Meiosis with Mergerino ⬆ Contents Views

Meiosis is developed by foxdonut (Twitter / GitHub) and is released under the MIT license.