Meiosis Documentation

⬆ Contents Initial State and Actions

Introduction and Goals

Welcome to the Meiosis Documentation!

The purpose of this documentation is to explain the Meiosis pattern from the ground up, hopefully without assuming too much prior knowledge beyond the basics of JavaScript.

High Level Goals

Meiosis is a simple pattern for managing application state. The idea is to have a single, top-level object that represents the state of your application, and having a straightforward way to update that state. Views are rendered according to the state, and trigger actions to update the state. That's it!

Alongside that, Meiosis aims to free your state management code from being deeply tied to complex libraries or frameworks. When using Meiosis, you manage your application state with plain objects and functions.


Besides JavaScript, you will need to know, or learn, about the view library that you would like to use. Most of this documentation is independent of the view library. When we put it all together, there are examples with Mithril, Preact, and React.

If none of those is your preferred view library, fear not. It is straightforward to use just about any view library with the Meiosis pattern.

JavaScript ES5 or ES6

I previously used ES5 syntax in the code examples, but have since updated the documentation and use ES6 syntax.

Embedded Code Examples

The best way to learn is to practice. So, all code examples in this documentation are embedded into the page using Flems, so that you can edit the code and see the results right there on the page. In fact, I strongly encourage you to try things out with the code. This will help you understand how things work.

You can edit and run the code within the page, or you can also open the code in a new, full-sized page if that is more comfortable. You can do so using the Open Flems in new window at the top-right corner of the code window.

Let's get started.

⬆ Contents Initial State and Actions

Meiosis is developed by foxdonut (Twitter / GitHub) and is released under the MIT license.